Dec 9 2015
At the beginning of class today - during the sitting before the chanting of Om and Invocation to Patanjali - Geetaji gave several instructions to quieten our senses and the mind. Not a direct quote - but along the lines of - "drawing the face towards the back of the head and drawing the eyes and ear drums down to the heart". The effect was very centering and one could really feel the chitta had become less distracting - "yoga chitta vritti nirodha"!
In the Pranayama session, we did Bhramari -
- sitting with head up
- sitting with head down (jalandhara bandha)
- sitting with head down (jalandhara bandha), closing one nostril and inhaling; hand down exhale Bhramari
- Lying down with a rolled strap or bandage if you had one, under back corresponding to top of sternum so it did not collapse
- Getting the props ready for class…
- Geetaji and Abhijata arrive for class
- Long lines, but delicious food at the lunch buffet tables
- The participants at lunch