Category Archives: iyengar-yoga

Yoganushasanam 2015 – Props for Restorative Poses

Dec 12 2015 The long blue blocks were in our prop kit. They have proved to be very versatile. We used them for sitting everyday. You can use them for Salamba Sarvangasana and other supine poses - Supta Swastikasana, Supta Baddhakonasana, Supta Padmasana - which we did today. [caption id="attachment_2814" align="alignnone" width="604"] Prop setup for…
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Yoganushasanam 2015 – Twists

Dec 11 2015 The class today was on Twists.The focus was to move the dorsal spine in. Her phrase was "kick the dorsal in" - very descriptive and very effective! Today's sequence as I remember it is - ADHO MUKHASVANASANA UTTANASANA (to release spine, get length in torso and condition the body..wake it up) PARSVA…
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Yoganushasanam 2015 – Backbends, Pranayama & Music concert

Dec 10 2015 The class today was on Backbends followed by Pranayama. For backbends, the focus was to use the arms and legs (organs of action) and not bend from the spine.This is very important to avoid hurting the spine. We were also treated to an Indian musical concert. The 3 musicians are like part…
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Yoganushasanam – Dec 9 2015

Dec 9 2015 At the beginning of class today - during the sitting before the chanting of Om and Invocation to Patanjali - Geetaji gave several instructions to quieten our senses and the mind. Not a direct quote - but along the lines of - "drawing the face towards the back of the head and…
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