Category Archives: iyengar-yoga

Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance)

Pincha - Feather ; Mayura - Peacock Asana - Pose - It is said that Forearm Balance resembles a peacock starting its dance, with his feathers raised and fanned.  Guruji says in Light on Yoga page 287 - "This asana develops the body harmoniously strengthens shoulders, arms and wrists and expands the chest fully." Preparation [caption id="attachment_2945"…
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Virabhadrasana (Warrior) 2

Each of the standing poses offer a little variation to tweak or address a certain set of muscles or area of the body. The lateral standing asanas (poses) listed below address the abductor muscles in particular - Utthita trikonasana (triangle pose) Virabhradrasana 2 (warrior 2 ) Utthita Parsvakonasana (extended side angle pose) Ardha Chandrasana (half…
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Sustainable & Attainable Health Goals for the New Year!

As we contemplate our goals for 2016, usually , somewhere in the mix, there is a desire to commit to improving one's health and well being either physically, emotionally or spiritually. As the old adage goes, "Health is Wealth" - and indeed the new year - a new beginning - is a good time to re-focus…
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Yoganushasanam 2015 – The final day

Dec 14 2015 The last day of class was only a morning session 8.30am - 12.30pm with a 30 min break of Pranayama lying down and sitting. Geeta gave much detail and explanation as to how and why as well as ill effects of over-doing it . She gave so much throughout the course…
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