Yoga is for all body types - whether you are "tight and stiff" or "bendy and flexible". It's a fairly common misconception that you need to be flexible to do yoga. A lot of people hesitate to go to a yoga class because they can't touch their toes without bending their knees. But Yoga is…
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About: Juliana Fair
Juliana began practicing yoga in 1974, discovered the Iyengar method in 1981, and began the certification process in 1986. Today Juliana is a CIYT (Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher) - LEVEL 3 and a Certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT). Juliana builds her students’ confidence, and at the same time encourages them to learn about their potential and to go beyond their limitations.
Recent Posts by Juliana Fair
Sustainable & Attainable Health Goals for the New Year!
As we contemplate our goals for 2016, usually , somewhere in the mix, there is a desire to commit to improving one's health and well being either physically, emotionally or spiritually. As the old adage goes, "Health is Wealth" - and indeed the new year - a new beginning - is a good time to re-focus…
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Simple Restorative Pose to boost your Immune System
This simple restorative pose which most people will be able to do, is a great chest opener, brings the relaxation response, boosts the immune system and relieves nasal/chest congestion. You need - 2 Cork/Wooden Yoga Blocks (if you don't have yoga blocks, you can use books or even regular house bricks) Yoga mat or blanket…
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Preparation for Headstand
An important component of upper body strength for inversions is the group of muscles that support the shoulder blade. As you move your arm into various positions to bear weight on it, the shoulder girdle (as the muscles that support the shoulder blade are called) must have the strength to support and hold each position.…
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