In Iyengar yoga, working with ropes is refer to as Yoga Kurunta (a Kurunta is a puppet in South Indian theater). This is a method of performing a variety of asanas with wall ropes in a playful way and at the same time deepen your understanding of correct actions in asanas, activate muscle groups in a new way, and appreciate the subtle nuances that may have gone unnoticed in the past.
The 2 videos below demonstrate introductory poses with ropes.
Shoulder Opening
If one has access to a set of wall ropes, they are an excellent way to open the shoulders,lengthen and strengthen the muscles of the arms and understand the feeling of opening the side chest area . The ropes also make this action accessible to everybody!
Rope 1 Bhujangasana
Doing asanas in the ropes builds strength and flexibility . The shifting of the body weight back and forth in Ropes 1, brings a sense of lightness and confidence in moving ones own body ; this confidence is on both a physical and mental level.
To learn more about Iyengar yoga with wall ropes, check out my 2 class workshop at Unity Woods, Arlington VA starting June 8 2016 - Ropes: Have you used them?.